Special Tribune to Buster - A Friend I Never Met

I never had the opportunity to meet Buster. Being a person who enjoys the companionship of a dog, Buster was one of the reasons I decided to stop in and see what Booman Tribune was all about. His face truly reveals the patience and warmth that I just wish we all could show each day. Looking with love and anticipation of acceptance, Buster spoke to me in a way that no comment or dairy could never imagine. I figured that if Booman could love such a wonderful creature, maybe I should stop and spend some time listening to the words he has to say.
I am so glad that I decided to rest at the Pond for awhile. Stories of success and anger, desire and hope continue to spring up from the Pond day after day. It shows us all that sometimes, the greatest inspiration we may find in life is not limited to just the people and places we see. They can be found in the simple and loving eyes of a large and inviting creature whose only request is to be loved and treated with respect and kindness.
I can only imagine the sorrow that Booman and his family are feeling as they watches Buster take his last breaths in this life. As tears rolling down each face, they wonder why at this moment and time, is Buster leaving us all. My hope is that Booman, his family, and all of us remember the joy and warmth Buster has given us all in his only special way. Buster represents the qualities that we all search for each day. Live in this moment with all our being. Never reject the kindness of a stranger. Find the hidden bones of the past and bring them to light. Show patience even though we would rather race after every squirrel we see or chase the cat next door.
I lived in Gander Newfoundland for three years and I was able to experience first hand the loving and playful nature that Newfoundlanders are so known for. Their loyalty is unquestioned and their ability to warm your heart is just one lick away. Such gentle giants with a heart so big, you can not begin to describe it!
So, as we continue to fight for the rights of others, speak out against racism, war, hate crimes and other issues of the day, let us remember that we had the opportunity to spend time, even though it was via the Internet with a gentle loving giant who captured our hearts and brought a smile to our faces each and every time we saw his photos.
To Booman and your family,
I can only say that losing a member of the family is never an easy thing to deal with. Buster's life was not lived in vain because he loved you all with all of his heart. Remember this prayer in the days and weeks to come:
Dear God,
This we know: every living thing is yours and returns to you. As we ponder this mystery we give you thanks for the life of Buster and we now commit him into your loving hands.
Gentle God: fragile is your world, delicate are your creatures, and costly is your love which bears and redeems us all.
Holy Creator, give us eyes to see and ears to hear how every living thing speaks to us of your love. Let us be awestruck at your creation and daily sing your praises.
Especially, create within us a spirit of gratitude for the life of this beloved pet who has lived among us and given us freely of his love. Even in our sorrow we have cause for joy for we know that all creatures who died on earth shall live again in your new creation.
To Buster,
Thank you for being in our lives, even if it was just for a short time. Your face and eyes reflect the wonder and joy of life and know that we all learned something from you. As you prepare for your next journey, rest in the knowledge that we will miss you dearly and know that you will be able to enjoy the rest that you truly deserve. Goodbye to the friend I never had the opportunity to meet in person. May you rest in peace!
To the rest of us in the Pond,
May we continue to chase the squirrels and cats that we face each day knowing that we had the opportunity to see true love and loyalty in action. Keep digging up the bones of the past and defend those are in need and despair. That is what Buster would want us to do and this will be his legacy that we will be able to carry forward in the months and years to come.